Monday, July 6, 2009

#3 Task Dependencies and Predeccesors

"just one thing after another"

Commencement of a work task requires preceding events or tasks to be complete.

Each preceding event or task will have sub components with their own preceding events;

Workforce and subcontractors on site for tasks

-Hire or assign GC's workforce for project and task
-Negotiate and contract subcontractors, with defined scope of work and schedule
-Daily and or weekly assignments and locations on site

Materials and equipment on site for tasks

-Supplier contracts and payment periods

-Submital procedures and critical time lines

-Delivery schedules, and crew on site to receive deliver

Testing and inspection protocol

-Negotiate and contract with engineering testing company

-Meet with public agency inspectors to confirm inspection and notification requirements

Meet with and develop relationship with;

-Public agency inspectors
-Architect or engineer of record and designated representative.
-Owners designated representative or Resident Project Representative
-Utility providers designated representative
-Funding source or sources designated representative; bank, public agency, investor,...

A preliminary project schedule can be prepared using the identified tasks, and can be modified at any time with updated task information including adding or modifying predecessors, must start and must finish dates.

Distribute preliminary contract required "major items" construction schedule.

Distribute preliminary subcontractor schedule and calender.

Distribute schedule a values to owners project team only, prepared with total value equal to the contract value as awarded, using preliminary cost estimating from the bid process and updated with information from subcontractors and material and component suppliers

During the bid process the GC's construction cost estimating team will have prepared a quantity take-off, or quantity survey, of the bid documents and prepared a line item construction cost estimate.

Once the contract value has been established in the Owner/Contractor agreement the total value or any modified may only be by change order.

Coming next;
#4 Quantity Survey
#5 MS Project 2007
#6 Task cost estimate; workforce, materials, equipment.
#7 Task cost estimate; overhead, profit, competitive advantage
#9 Project bid cost estimate
#10 Schedule of values /Project Schedule
#11 Payment voucher/cash flow

The assignment for Monday July 13, 2009 due by email midnight Sunday July 12, 2009;

Assume all work is by subcontractor, use the drawing set and Construction Specifiers Institute Format to break the work down to major tasks and sub-tasks within those major tasks, then allocate work tasks to sub contractors, then create a scope of work for each subcontractor.

Insert the task information into MS Project 2007 and assign predecessors to each task.

In the following week we will use National Construction Cost Estimator 2007 to assign cost values to those tasks including; workforce, materials and components, equipment, overhead, profit and competitive advantage.

You can work with a partner, but submit your work separately and identify your partner.

Read Construction Project Management 3rd Edition by Gould and Joyce Chapter 9 and 10.

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Construction Management 2

CM2 will focus on scheduling, quanitity take-off and construction cost estimating from the perspective of the General Contractor.

Scheduling using MS Project 2007;
Current editions of MS Office Professional edition contain MS Project 2007.
MS Project 2007 is also available on some computers in the A&D building, check with PhilaU OIT for access.

Quantity Take-Off;
We will be using full size drawing, for the take-off section including; cut and fill calculations, stormwater management and environmental remediation.

Construction Cost Estimating;
Information from the quantity take-off will be used for construction cost estimating using "National Construction Estimator 2007 from Craftsman"

Project Cash Flow;
Data from the cost estimating program with overhead and profit factors will be used with the Schedule to inform cash flow, line of credit, gross profit and net profit.

Review impact of project delay from; owner, arch/eng, GC, regulatory, weather, industrial action,....

Review impact of project change order on cash flow and overhead and profit.