Wednesday, July 1, 2009

#2 Define work by task part 2

Airport Parking Site Major tasks;

Temporary Facilities and Controls are items and tasks that are not part of the permanent installation. Usually organized at Division 01 in the CSI format;

-Site security Fence

-Storm water, erosion and sedimentation controls during construction

-Temporary utilities during construction

-Survey and layout

-Engineering testing during construction

-Site office trailer and WC

-Site janitorial and waste management

-Close-out procedures

Site work (CSI division 02); preparation or taking the site from existing condition to ready for new work, which may include; demolition, removing trees, removing vegetable soils and rough grade. Usually organized at division 02 in the CSI format; -Rough grade including permanent storm water retention swales, to reference datum establish by survey/layout crew.

-Haul and dispose of excavated material to be removed from the site, cut and fill will require some of the clean excavated material to be stock-piled on site.

-Import, place and compact engineered fill material to achieve design subgrade for paving system.

-Excavate for utility trenching including back-fill and compaction.

-Excavation and preparation including base materials for concrete curbs, pads and footings.

-Asphaltic Paving system including supply and placement.

-Paving stripping.

Concrete (CSI division 03); work will include placing and striking formwork, reinforcing bar and mat supply and placement, concrete supply, placement and finish, protection of concrete in place.

Metals (CSI division 05); work will include supply and install permanent fence system, the fence contractor will be responsible for supplying fence post hole auger and concrete.

Sub-Grade utilities;

Storm and Sanitary plumbing (CSI division 22), including supply and install; pipe, inlets, manholes,...

Electric supply and distribution (CSI division 26), including service connection, distribution panel, conduit, distribution, light poles,...

Prefab security booth and gate system (CSI division 13), including supply and install including control system wiring.

Landscaping (CSI division 32), including supply and install topsoil, mulch, plant materials and one year maintenance for plant material establishment.

Sample Scope of Work for Curbing Subcontractor;

Refer to attached drawing set Dated --/--/----;

Provide all materials, equipment and manpower required for complete installation of curbing as shown on the drawing set.

Coordinate with excavation contractor for preparation of curbing sub-base and backfill.

Coordinate with survey layout crew for curb location, curved curbs and top of curb elevation.

Coordinate with engineering testing field inspector for specification conformance of concrete, formwork, finish quality, control joints and expansion joints.

Coming next;

#3 Task Dependencies

#4 Quantity Survey

#5 MS Project 2007

#6 Task cost estimate; workforce, materials, equipment.

#7 Task cost estimate; overhead, profit, competitive advantage

#9 Project bid cost estimate

#10 Schedule of values /Project Schedule

#11 Payment voucher/cash flow

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Construction Management 2

CM2 will focus on scheduling, quanitity take-off and construction cost estimating from the perspective of the General Contractor.

Scheduling using MS Project 2007;
Current editions of MS Office Professional edition contain MS Project 2007.
MS Project 2007 is also available on some computers in the A&D building, check with PhilaU OIT for access.

Quantity Take-Off;
We will be using full size drawing, for the take-off section including; cut and fill calculations, stormwater management and environmental remediation.

Construction Cost Estimating;
Information from the quantity take-off will be used for construction cost estimating using "National Construction Estimator 2007 from Craftsman"

Project Cash Flow;
Data from the cost estimating program with overhead and profit factors will be used with the Schedule to inform cash flow, line of credit, gross profit and net profit.

Review impact of project delay from; owner, arch/eng, GC, regulatory, weather, industrial action,....

Review impact of project change order on cash flow and overhead and profit.